Thursday, February 5, 2015

Trinity Preschool Activities for Thursday, February 6, 2015

Maple Room- Thursday class

We read "Giraffes can't dance" by Giles Andreae

We practiced our names, and also February words.
We did a math game

We did a game where the children pulled a card out of a bag and said whether it was an alphabet letter or a word.   Ex:  pull a card out with "D" on is a letter.  or a card with "Dog" on it, it is a word.

Oak Room: Pre-k class

We read "Our library" by Eve Bunting

We dripped paint on paper that was on a slant board using pipettes to drip various colors of paint.  The children had to manage getting the paint up into the pipette and then holding it on on the right angle to get it to drip down the paper as they squeezed it.

We did the song "Colors' by Hap Palmer, the children were each holding a color and they had to follow the song as to whether to sit or stand when that color was called.

We also did Letters on the bus to the tune of wheels on the bus.  The letter on the bus goes ...

We did a small group activity where the children sorted alphabet letters by various attributes, letters with a curve, letters with only straight lines, lower case letters, upper case letters.

We did our letter chart for S, Does your name have the letter S in it?

Willow Room:

We read "Little Mouse's Big Valentine by Thacher Hurd

we talked about gong to a post office.  We have a post office set up in our classroom.

We fingerpainted with red and white paint on bubble wrap to make pink.  Then we made a print of our painting.  We used X and O stampers to decorate a heart shape ( symbols often used for Hugs and Kisses)

We did a shape rhyme and we did a 5 little letters felt rhyme activity.

We did :ittle Fish, Can you leap like a frog? and Five fish swimming in the sea for music today.

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