Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Trinity Preschool Activities for Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Oak Room: Pre- K class

We read "The growing story BY Ruth Krauss and the letter E book

We are talking about size.  We weighed and measured the children today.  Then we measured and weighedother things around the room.

We did our journal notebooks on things that start with the letter E.

We did Eensy, Weensy Spider, an Inches rhyme and we did body bingo challenges, a movement activity for music today.

We did our name graph- does your name have the letter E in it?

Maple Room:

We read "The falling leaves and the scarecrow" by Steve Metzger

We made leaf prints using real leaves and water colors. The children painted the leaves with water colors and then pressed a paper down on top to make a print.
We had dab a dot painters and plastic grids to paint on.

We did an opposites puzzle activity, the children were each given a piece of the puzzle and had to find the other person that had the oppoiste piece.

We did brightly colored leaves, and the October song, for music today.

Willow Room- MWF class

We read "The mixed up breakfast"

We asked the children "What is your favorite farm animal?"

We painted leaf shapes with mesh sponges dipped in fall colors of paint.

We had dry erase markers at the easel with farm animal stencils.

We did "Good Day", "Animals on the farm" (tune of wheels on the bus) and "The Pirate song" for music today.

We did an animal rhyme (Can you guess which animal it is?")

Stay and Play:

We mixed powder paint and vinegar and painted with it.  We were surprised that it bubbled. We experimented with color combinations

We did the shape train for music "Come aboard the shape train according to the shape you are holding.

We did Little Cloud Rhyme and "what color airplane is missing"

We read "Danny and the Dinosaur Go to camp" by Syd Hoff

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