Sunday, April 4, 2010

Activities for Wed., March 31, 2010

Willow Room- MWF Class

We did two rhymes today- Simple Simon and I'm a little tea pot. We asked the children what kind of pie they like? We looked at a tea pot and looked at "P" items.

We did a large group project of painting on a large paper with stampers and paint. We had chalk at the easel. We also made a pie to eat at our tea party at snack.

We acted out the tea pot rhyme, did bubble gum son, and hokey pokey. WE played outside today and enjoyed some of our new classroom materials.

We had spring themed cookie cutters for our play dough.

We looked at the flowers beginning to grow outside our building.

Maple Room:

We read "Franklin's Neighborhood" by Paulette Bourgeois

We used green glitter paint and glue to paint on paper plates and cover them with green tissue paper. We will turn them into turtles.
We had turtle shapes with paint and textured stampers at the easels.

We did a rhyming word matching game. We also played with several of our new games and materials.

We played outside on the playground.

Oak Room:

We read "Rainbow fish and friends- A fishy tale" by Marcus Pfister and I am a dolphin by Darlene Stille

We worked on "Y" pictures in our journal. In small groups we played a matching rhyming game. We also enjoyed several of the new classroom materials in our classroom.

We did a fish alphabet matching game matching upper and lower case letters. We had some sea life puzzles out.

We sang "We went to the pet store", sing the alphabet backwards, and the little fish.

We had the estimating jar out, we had to guess how many sea creatures.

We played out side on the playground today.

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